I am a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, in the COSIC group. I defended my PhD thesis `A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis’ in June 2023. My promotor was Vincent Rijmen. Contact information:
Resources related to my talks:
- A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis
at Lund University
- A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis
at Nokia Bell Labs, Antwerp
(Nokia Bell scientific award)
- A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis
at Roma Tre University
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 3b
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 3a
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 2c
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 2b
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 2a
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 1b
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis: Lecture 1a
at Ruhr University Bochum
- Some comments on commutative diagram cryptanalysis
Lorentz workshop
- Quasidifferential trails
at Ruhr University Bochum
- A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis
SAC 2023
(invited talk)
- Linear and differential cryptanalysis
SAC 2023
(summer school tutorial)
- Truncated differential attacks on contracting Feistel ciphers
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2022
- Differential cryptanalysis in the fixed-key model
Crypto 2022
- A geometric approach to linear cryptanalysis
Asiacrypt 2021
(best student paper)
- Linear cryptanalysis of FF3-1 and FEA
Crypto 2021
(early career researcher award and honorable mention best paper)
- Cryptanalysis of the Legendre PRF and generalizations
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2020
- Block cipher invariants as eigenvectors of correlation matrices
Asiacrypt 2018
(best paper)
- Block cipher invariants as eigenvectors of correlation matrices
at KU Leuven
- Uniform first-order threshold implementations
SAC 2016
- On the uniformity property of threshold implementations
at KU Leuven