I am a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, in the COSIC group. I defended my PhD thesis `A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis’ in June 2023. My promotor was Vincent Rijmen. Contact information:
Resources related to my publications under 'information-theoretical cryptography':
- Information-theoretic security with asymmetries
Tim Beyne and Yu Long Chen
Crypto 2024
- Multidimensional linear cryptanalysis of Feistel ciphers
Betül Aşkın Özdemir, Tim Beyne and Vincent Rijmen
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2023
- A geometric approach to symmetric-key cryptanalysis
Tim Beyne
PhD thesis
- Provably secure reflection ciphers
Tim Beyne and Yu Long Chen
Crypto 2022
- Truncated differential attacks on contracting Feistel ciphers
Tim Beyne and Yunwen Liu
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2022
- Multi-user security of the Elephant v2 authenticated encryption mode
Tim Beyne, Yu Long Chen, Christoph Dobraunig and Bart Mennink
SAC 2021
- Linear cryptanalysis of FF3-1 and FEA
Tim Beyne
Crypto 2021
(early career researcher award and honorable mention best paper)
- Dumbo, Jumbo and Delirium: parallel authenticated encryption for the lightweight circus
Tim Beyne, Yu Long Chen, Christoph Dobraunig and Bart Mennink
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2020
- Elephant
Tim Beyne, Yu Long Chen, Christoph Dobraunig and Bart Mennink
Submission to the NIST lightweight cryptography project